In addition to our extensive road marking services we also provide high quality car park marking, suitable for both indoor and outdoor application in new and existing parks. A properly marked car park maximises space, provides useful wayfinding signage and can help to reinforce corporate identity.

We are happy to advise on car park layout to achieve the most efficient use of available space and can provide technical support in relation to materials, symbols and colours. We proactively work with customers to achieve the desired effect with a variety of symbols such as ‘Disabled Parking’, ‘Mother and Toddler’ spaces and visitor parking bays. We also provide zebra crossings, pedestrian walkways, safety related markings and other bespoke symbols and logos.

Our car park lining is always tailored to the individual customer’s requirements. The aim is to provide car parks which are clearly distinguishable, well-organised, attractive and able to facilitate the safe entrance, internal flow and exit of traffic. In addition, we offer a unique service where we will create the templates necessary to deliver bespoke logos and symbols to individual customer’s requirements.

Car park lining is typically offered in screed format but in all cases is ultimately tailored to individual customer’s requirements.

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028 7964 3038

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Road Marking

028 7964 3038

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